Short stories in english for students


Short stories in english for students

Short stories in english for students, This story is of a student. He was very smart. Its just matter of one day. He goes to his friends. His friends were making plans. That student asks his friends. What are you planning? He says it all. We know. You are very good at reading. That’s why you are considered very good in the class. But we are not good at reading. That’s why that teacher beats us up. Now we think We should trouble the teacher.

Short stories in english for students

Short stories in english for students
Short stories in english for students

Hearing this, he says “student”. that is not good. Its not their fault in this. you don’t read That’s why you get beaten up. If you start reading No one can tell you anything. Hearing this, he tells everyone. Now you are explaining to us. We know everything. That’s why you should think. We don’t want to listen to you. Now you can go. That student explains a lot. But nobody listens. Now he feels.

Small story for kids in english two friends

My friend is not going to understand anything. So I have to understand their plan. Only then can I do something. That student gets to know the plan. He was going to disturb the teacher on the way. That student goes to the teacher’s house. Tells them everything. That teacher knows. That student is very good. always speaks the truth. That’s why they believe him. He says teacher. Now you don’t need to worry. Now they can get a lesson. Because he doesn’t want to study.


It’s the next day. The teacher was going to school. Then the friends of that student come. But the teacher recognizes them. He says. I know. You are very good. But you don’t read. If you start reading After that no one can tell you anything. Hearing this, he calls all the students’ friends. Forgive us. We didn’t know. We’re making a mistake. We all wanted to teach you a lesson. Because you beat us up. But we have got a lesson. If we read well.

King moral stories in english

We can do something good in life. After that the student comes. He says. I told all this to the teacher. Because you all were not listening to me. Although it was not a good thing. I knew it. You are doing wrong. That’s why I told them everything. Now it’s not telling you anything. Rather explaining your weakness. You must understand If you read This study is useful only for you. This study is not going to work for the teacher. Even after that you think the teacher is wrong. I didn’t like this.


Short stories in english for students, That’s why I think. May you all be on the right track. Today they knew. His friend student is very good. He is thinking very well of us too. If you are wrong in life. You should rectify your mistake. After that your life can become good. If you liked this story. Please do share.

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