Short stories for kids Short stories for kids, The old man was just thinking about something. After some time a boy comes to them. the…
Motivational stories in english for kids magic pot
Motivational stories in english for kids magic pot Motivational stories in english, A farmer was working in his farm. He thinks My farming is not…
The thirsty crow short story in english with moral
The thirsty crow short story in english with moral The thirsty crow short story in english with moral, Today he was walking thirsty crow, because…
Small story for kids in english two friends
Small story for kids in english two friends | short story in english Small story for kids in english two friends, Those two friends were…
Moral stories in english for 3rd class
Moral stories in english for 3rd class Moral stories in english, The boy was going to his grandmother’s house for the first time. His mother…